Blue Fish Companion Party III
Son of Blue Fish

Special Thanks for Picture
taking go out to Kristen,
Julie, and Doug!

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Chris is one happy boy here.
Sara is amazed by it all, and Curtis just likes the photographer.
Check out all the stuff on that table.
Graffiti wall partially in sight.

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Here's Julie's doing a fine job modeling my blue fish dress with
fake eyeball glasses, fish tag, and corn cob pipe accessories.

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Doug Amos (the Tennessee Gentleman) gives Caroline a nice hug.
Isn't this just the sweetest picure?

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Armando and Chrissy in my kitchen smiling big for the camera.
(see the oven vent with blue fish pic in background)

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John tells a big story, while his wife listens with a happy face.
Jenny and Paul are tagged and kickin' back for the evening.

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Eric and his two buddies had these grins on their faces all evening.
Close up partial of the graffiti wall.

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Almost time for the drawing... Andrew (last party's big winner) eyes the first prize t-shirt.

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The bowl is picked up, Chrissy (official drawing girl of every blue fish party) is about to pull a name.
Look at all the excited people!

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Rodney in serious "mack" mode on Julie.

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Michelle and Doug.  Model citizens.
(I'm keeping this pic in case they ever run for office)

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So many people showed up that they spilled out all over the front lawn.
It took me half an hour to pick up all the garbage the next day.

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One of my favorite pics of the party.
Paco looking mellow, and Claudia looking like a 1920's sex icon.
Check out those great frames.

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Presenting the beer for the evening.
That's Jacob laughing, and Sean presenting.

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Michelle, Jason, and one Travis (all newly blue fish tagged) try to
imitate the Picasso in the background.

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A bad pic of both me and the grafitti wall.

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Doug and Caroline both squeeze in on Erin.
Look at the smile on Erin!

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Mark looks like a 12 year old paper boy in this picture.
Kristen is as pretty (and decked out) as ever.
She took a lot of the pictures on this page (thanks Kristen!)

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See?  Only beautiful people come to Blue Fish Companion Parties.
Kristen, Armando (BFC III first prize winner) and Sara.

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This is me the morning after BFC III at "The Diner".
I can't tell if I'm waxing philosophical, or trying to levitate my Home Fries.

Who Won What at BFC III:

Fist Prize T-Shirt went to Armando
Second Prize AOL promo stuff went to Sarah
Last Prize Moon Pie went to D. Brown

Other Prizes in no specific order...

Blue Fish Ash Tray - Jodi Miranda
Little Blue Fish Pendant - Paco's cat
Blue Fish Dish - Andrew Kershen (he always wins something)
Right to drink fish wine with me - Kristen and Kate
1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish book - Sean Pullen
Blue Glass Fish - Justin Tindel
Tacky Blue Fish Tile Art - Justin Albert

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